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All swimming pools that can hold 36 inches or more of water require an enclosure permit. This includes in-ground, above-ground, and temporary pools. If your hot tub has a lockable cover, you don't need a permit.

  1. Placement

    Indoors or outdoors?
    Presumably, you have already determined whether your hot tub will be installed indoors or outdoors. Ideally, this decision was made prior to selecting the hot tub model, as indoor installation can be more complex and may involve additional efforts to meet engineering and safety standards.

    In case you intend to install your hot tub indoors, additional measures must be taken to ensure proper ventilation. The installation process will involve the installation of exhaust fans to facilitate air circulation around the hot tub and manage humidity levels. Excessive moisture can potentially cause harm to the walls and flooring of your home.

  2. Electrical Supply

    To ensure proper functioning, your hot tub must be connected to a dedicated power supply without any other lights or appliances sharing the connection. The specific requirements for your hot tub's electrical configuration will depend on the model you select. An experienced and licensed electrician will be responsible for installing the power supply and making the necessary adjustments to your breaker box. Our installation team can assist you in coordinating this process.

  3. Space

    Adequate space is required not only for movement and entering/exiting the hot tub but also for maintenance purposes. It is crucial to select a location that provides easy accessibility to the maintenance panel of your hot tub. The good news is that our team of designers is available to assist you in this aspect and can provide valuable guidance.

  4. Safety

    Using hot tub covers with locks whenever the hot tub is not in use serves multiple purposes. Firstly, it helps to maintain the desired water temperature, resulting in energy savings. Additionally, it acts as a safety measure by preventing unsupervised access by children or animals, ensuring their well-being. By securely covering the hot tub, you can have peace of mind knowing that it is protected and inaccessible when not in use.

  5. Foundation

    For proper installation and safety, it is imperative to position your hot tub on a leveled ground with a sturdy foundation. An inadequate foundation can potentially pose safety risks and lead to damage to the hot tub. Please note that damage caused by insufficient foundations may not be covered by the warranty. The good news is that if you prefer, our trusted partners can handle the installation process for you, ensuring a proper and secure setup.

To maintain your hot tub in optimal condition, it is essential to perform regular maintenance tasks. This includes adding chemicals on a weekly basis to ensure water balance and cleanliness. Additionally, it is recommended to perform a complete water change every three months.

Furthermore, it is important to keep the hot tub free from leaves and other debris, as they can affect the water quality and overall enjoyment of the hot tub experience.

If you will be present and using your hot tub throughout the winter, there is typically no requirement to winterize it. However, it is important to ensure regular maintenance, adhere to standard specifications, and appropriately insulate the pipes to ensure optimal performance. By doing so, you can continue to enjoy your hot tub during the winter season without any issues.

One of the frequently asked questions by new hot tub owners is whether it is possible to operate a hot tub without the use of chemicals. The answer to this question is no. Chemicals are essential for maintaining water safety and protecting the hot tub itself from damage.

Although chemicals are necessary, there are methods to minimize the amount of chemicals required for your hot tub. For instance, ozonators can be installed in the hot tub to generate ozone gas, which effectively kills bacteria and reduces the reliance on sanitizers such as chlorine or bromine. It is worth noting that ozonators are typically installed during the manufacturing process.

When it comes to adding chemicals to your hot tub water, there are two primary objectives:

  1. Ensuring water clarity and safety by eliminating bacteria: To achieve this, you will need to regularly add either chlorine or bromine sanitizer to the water. If you prefer tablets, new ones should be added on a weekly basis, while if you use powder, it should be added after each use or every 2-3 days when the hot tub is not in use. Additionally, it is recommended to shock the water every 1-2 weeks to remove accumulated used sanitizer. This can be done by using a larger dose of sanitizer or a specialized shock product, which you can obtain from your hot tub retailer.

  2. Balancing the water's pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness: Unbalanced water can lead to skin dryness, eye irritation, and potential damage to the hot tub components. Water-balancing chemicals are used to adjust the pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness levels as needed. It's important to note that water balance changes are not consistent, so you should avoid regularly adding balancing chemicals without proper testing. To determine if water-balancing chemicals are required, it's recommended to have your water tested by a professional or using a testing kit. This will provide accurate information on the water's balance and guide you on whether adjustments are necessary.

By understanding and managing these two aspects of water maintenance, you can keep your hot tub water clear, safe, and comfortable for your enjoyment.

For maintaining water balance in your hot tub, it is advisable to follow a regular testing routine. Here are some recommendations:

  1. Professional testing: It is recommended to have your hot tub water professionally tested for balance once every month. Professional testing provides accurate results and often includes a printout detailing the necessary steps to rebalance the water. This ensures that your hot tub water remains in optimal condition.

  2. At-home testing: In addition to professional testing, it's a good practice to test the water yourself using a simple at-home testing kit. Performing at-home tests 2-3 times per week allows you to monitor the water's sanitizer level and address any issues promptly.

When conducting at-home tests, focus on the sanitizer level as your primary concern. If the sanitizer level is low, add more before using the hot tub. Conversely, if the sanitizer level is too high, refrain from adding chlorine or bromine until the level returns to the normal range.

By combining professional testing and regular at-home testing, you can stay on top of your hot tub's water balance and ensure that it remains safe and enjoyable for use.

Maintaining clean and clear water in a hot tub requires more than just chemicals. Without a proper filtration system, various contaminants like oils, lotions, small debris, and bacteria would accumulate quickly.

To address this, hot tubs are equipped with a microfilter. Typically located near the water's surface within the "skimmer," the filter serves to capture dirt and debris. The skimmer employs a floating door or weir to trap larger debris in a filter basket, while oils, lotions, and smaller particles are caught in the micro-filter.

To ensure the effectiveness of your hot tub's filtration system, it is essential to regularly clean the micro filter. This periodic maintenance task helps to maintain optimal filtration and promotes cleaner water in your hot tub.

It is generally recommended to perform basic cleaning of your micro filter every 1-2 weeks. To do this, simply remove the filter and rinse it with running water, either from your sink or a garden hose.

In addition to regular cleanings, it is important to chemically clean the filter every 3-4 months to remove accumulated oils and lotions. This can be achieved by submerging the filter in a specialized cleaning solution.

While regular cleaning is beneficial, it is important to note that filters have a lifespan and will eventually wear out. To maintain optimal filtration, it is recommended to replace your hot tub filter every 12-18 months. This ensures continued effective filtration and helps maintain the cleanliness of your hot tub water.

Cloudy water in a hot tub is typically attributed to one of four factors:

  1. Insufficient sanitizer levels in the water.

  2. Imbalanced water chemistry.

  3. Inadequate filtration.

  4. Aging water.

If you notice cloudiness in your hot tub water, it is advisable to collect a sample for testing. A water test can identify any issues with sanitizer levels or water balance. Follow the instructions provided based on the test results to rectify the problem. Generally, after proper treatment, the water should clear up within 1-2 days.

If the water test indicates that the sanitizer and water balance are within the appropriate range, the cause of the cloudiness could be an old filter. Consider replacing your hot tub filter if it is over 12 months old. However, if your filter is relatively new, the problem might be attributed to the water itself, which has become stagnant over time. In such cases, replacing the water with fresh water is recommended.

Despite using proper chemicals and maintaining a clean filter, the water in your hot tub will eventually require replacement.

Over time, minerals and other fine particles accumulate in the water, known as total dissolved solids (TDS). When TDS levels become too high, the water can turn cloudy easily, foam may develop when the jets are activated, and it can feel harsh on the skin.

As a general guideline, it is advisable to change your hot tub water when the TDS reaches a level of 1500. For most hot tubs, this means replacing the water approximately every 3-4 months, although it is recommended to have your water tested to confirm.

Extended periods of soaking in a hot tub or being exposed to excessively high water temperatures can lead to significant risks, including overheating, dehydration, and low blood pressure. These conditions can result in symptoms such as dizziness, fainting, and in severe cases, potential complications like preterm labor or birth defects.

These findings are based on a 2006 research paper published in the National Library of Medicine, which highlights the serious impact of exposure to heated water pools exceeding 39°C (102.2°F) during pregnancy on the health of the unborn baby.

Specifically, individuals exposed to mild heat before the implantation of the embryo or more severely during the first trimester may be at higher risk of developing birth defects or experiencing pregnancy loss.

On average, most hot tubs and portable spas can reach temperatures up to 40.55°C (104°F). However, it is strongly advised against pregnant women using hot tubs and setting the water temperature to such high levels.

To prevent overheating and excessive core body temperature increases, it is recommended to adjust the hot tub temperature to a maximum of 37°C (100°F) or lower. Spending more than 10 minutes in a hot tub with a water temperature of 40°C (104°F) can easily raise the core body temperature beyond safe levels, which is why many healthcare professionals strongly discourage it.

If you are considering using a hot tub during pregnancy, it is crucial to consult with your doctor regarding any associated risks based on your specific health situation. Your doctor will be able to provide guidance on whether the benefits outweigh the potential risks when considering hot tub usage during this stage. Always prioritize safety first!

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